Antelope Trophies

Ed Pylman with a mature 72" Wyoming antelope he took with his Abowyer Bonehead. Congratulations on your trophy antelope!

Here is Tonya Newman with a nice buck antelope. Congrats on the successful hunt!

(1 of 2) Here is Dan and Ginger Brockman with two nice Wyoming bucks. Dan took his with a 66# ACS bow and Abowyer broadhead. Gingers buck was taken with a 45# RER recurve and a 215 grain Abowyer broadhead. She Made a 22 yard shot that hit centering both lungs. Congratulations to the both of you and nice shooting!

Here is Dr. Bill J. VanBuskirk with a nice antelope he took with an Abowyer broadhead. The animal went a very short distance before expiring.

(2 of 2) Here is Dan and Ginger Brockman with two nice Wyoming bucks. Dan took his with a 66# ACS bow and Abowyer broadhead. Gingers buck was taken with a 45# RER recurve and a 215 grain Abowyer broadhead. She Made a 22 yard shot that hit centering both lungs. Congratulations to the both of you and nice shooting!